ortofon jubilee
ortofon jubilee

若論古典型號,SPU可說是Ortofon的經典,但MCJubilee則是完全跳脫傳統Ortofon設計的款式,並且一推出就雄踞日本StereoSound排行榜首位多年。MCJubilee最特殊之處,便是使用 ...,PerWindfeld在Ortofon的生涯,等於是從MC20開始,也在MC20結束。由MC20(1977)帶領Ortof...

【越點音響】ortofon JUBILEE 該廠50 週年紀念機種


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若論古典型號,SPU可說是Ortofon的經典,但MC Jubilee則是完全跳脫傳統Ortofon設計的款式,並且一推出就雄踞日本Stereo Sound排行榜首位多年。MC Jubilee最特殊之處,便是使用 ...

vintage-ortofon-windfeld - audio

Per Windfeld 在Ortofon 的生涯, 等於是從MC20 開始, 也在MC20 結束。 由MC20 (1977) 帶領Ortofon 開創SPU 之外的新世代, 而後MC Jubilee (1998) 是現階段MC 產品線的開端,

MC Jubilee Refurbished

已售完 The Ortofon MC Jubilee was launched to celebrate Ortofon's 80th anniversary. The MC Jubilee features a unique exterior design and an interior construction ...


供應中 Special repair service for REPAIR MC JUBILEE · 1. Terms and conditions for repair service · 2. Cartridge repair process · 3. Delivery time · 4. Returning ...

MC Jubilee

The Ortofon MC Jubilee features a unique exterior design and an interior construction based on numerous technological advances in the service of your listening ...

ortofon jubilee

The Jubilee did not fall down in any area. Its performance was equally excellent across all frequency and musical spectra. Inner detail—the small artifacts that ...


客人全新未使用備份廉價釋出,ORTOFON Jubilee MC唱頭,NT:45000元,請來店檢視,滿意後帶走!

【越點音響】ortofon JUBILEE 該廠50 週年紀念機種

技術資料, JUBILEE. 輸出電壓:在1000Hz,5cm/sec. 340μV. 聲道平衡: 在1kHz, < 1dB. 聲道分離度: 在1kHz, > 27dB. 聲道分離度: 在15kHz, > 20dB.

Littering the web since 2002

The cartridge itself comes mounted inside a protective acrylic cylinder for safe travel and storage. Ortofon Jubilee. Cartridge Mounting was straightforward.

Progression from the Ortofon Jubilee MC

The sound is good, but it does not have the speed depth I have with the Jubilee. Mik Bhavnani from Unique Audio suggested the Etsuro Urushi ...


若論古典型號,SPU可說是Ortofon的經典,但MCJubilee則是完全跳脫傳統Ortofon設計的款式,並且一推出就雄踞日本StereoSound排行榜首位多年。MCJubilee最特殊之處,便是使用 ...,PerWindfeld在Ortofon的生涯,等於是從MC20開始,也在MC20結束。由MC20(1977)帶領Ortofon開創SPU之外的新世代,而後MCJubilee(1998)是現階段MC產品線的開端,,已售完TheOrtofonMCJubileewaslaunchedtocelebrateOrtofon's80thanniversary.TheMCJubile...